If you’re a gamer and you spend some time on YouTube, then you probably know who NakeyJakey is. This popular YouTube streamer and musician is actually named Jacob Christensen.

Since he’s primarily a YouTube personality, there is no official website with official bio information on him. But, we’ve manage to track down a few things that you might want to know about him.

When Is His Birthday?

NakeyJakey, aka Jacob Christensen, was born on December 28th. He was born in 1994 in the state of South Dakota.

That means that NakeyJakey’s age is currently 25 years old.

You can confirm this based on a tweet that he did on Twitter back in 2017 where he mentioned being 22 years old (and it was early in the year before his birthday.

Here’s that tweet:

And here’s a screenshot of it, in case the embed above is not working:


And if you’re on Instagram, then you’ll notice that people tell him Happy Birthday on the December 28th date that we mentioned above.

So, we’re 99% certain that this date is, in fact, the real birthday of NakeyJakey.

And if you’re into horoscopes and curious about his star sign, a December 28th birthday makes him a Capricorn.

Other Facts About NakeyJakey

Since you landed here because you were curious about this famous YouTuber’s birthday, we thought that you might find a few more facts about him of interest. So, here’s what else we know about NakeyJakey.

Though he was born in South Dakota, he currently lives in New York City. You even see the city in some of his pictures that he posts on social media.

He first joined YouTube with his NakeyJakey channel back in 2015 – on November 23 to be exact. And as of June 2020, the currently has 1.48 million subscribers on his channel.

NakeyJakey is more than just a YouTube star though. You can also find him streaming on Twitch. That URL is: https://www.twitch.tv/nakeyjakey

This YouTuber has several videos that have passed the 1 million views mark. In fact, some of his first videos to surpass 1 million views were:

  • “The Death of Video Game Box Art”
  • “The Best Skateboarding Game Nobody Played,” and
  • “If Movies Were Games – 28 Days Later.”

We went through all of the videos that are on his YouTube channel as of June 30, 2020 to see which one is his most successful YouTube video. And beating all the rest by a couple million views is the video “Rockstar’s Game Design is Outdated” from December 17, 2018.

As of writing this, the video has more than 6.6 million views on YouTube. You can watch it for yourself below.

And if you think that’s impressive, wait until you get a glimpse of the total number of views for his entire channel to date – this includes views for every single video on his channel.

nakeyjakey views

That’s right – there are nine digits in that number. As of June 30, 2020 the NakeyJakey channel on YouTube has racked up more than 118 million views across all of the videos on the channel.

What a mind blowing number, right?

That makes you wonder how much money he’s raking in from those videos that he uploads to YouTube, right? It’s clearly enough to support the move from South Dakota to Manhattan – and New York City is an expensive place to live.

So, if you’re wondering about NakeyJakey’s net worth, then the truth is that he has not publicly released that data anywhere yet. With that in mind, we’ve done some calculations and estimate that Jacob Christensen’s net worth in somewhere in the $1 million to $5 million range.

So, yeah, he is one rich dude from his YouTube channel.

What do you think about his videos? Are you a fan or not?

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