If you’re playing the strategy RPG King’s raid, then you may want a little help building that team.
Not sure who the best heroes in the game are?
No worries, we got you covered with our lists below.
Since there are two different gaming styles, Players versus Player (PVP) and Player versus Environment (PVE), we’ve got both PVE lists and PVP lists below.

PvE Tier List: S-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVE, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you.
The Hero | The Role |
Clause | Tank, Debuffer |
Neraxis | Tank |
Glenwys | Tank |
Erze | AoE DPS |
Zafir | AoE DPS |
Artemia | AoE DPS |
Cleo | AoE DPS |
We highly recommending putting these heroes on your team because they’ve got awesome stats. They’re the best heroes in the whole freaking game!
PvE Tier List: A-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVE, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into S tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Loman | Tank, Support, Healer |
Jane | Tank, Burst DPS |
Phillop | Tank, Burst DPS, Support, Healer |
Viska | Burst DPS, Debuffer |
Theo | DPS, Debuffer, Buffer |
Ezekiel | Debuffer, Breaker |
Epis | DPS |
Mirianne | DPS |
Requina | DPS, Blocker |
Luna | DPS |
Chrisha | AoE DPS, Support |
Lakrak | Status Attack, AoE DPS |
Annette | Support |
Miruru | Debuffer, AoE DPS |
Maria | Status Attack, Buffer |
Nyx | AoE, DPS, Dispeller |
Frey | Support, Tank |
Laias | Support, Healer |
Juno | Cleanser, Support |
Rephy | Cleanser, Healer |
Mediana | Healer, Support |
As mentioned above, these are great additions to your team, but just not quite as awesome as the list for S Tier.
PvE Tier List: B-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVE, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into A tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Sonia | Tank, Debuffer, Support |
Aselica | Support, Tank |
Naila | DPS, Debuffer |
Priscilla | DPS, Support |
Gau | Tank, Status Attack, Support |
Seria | Breaker |
Laudia | DPS |
Tanya | DPS, Status Attack, Dispeller |
Nia | Breaker |
Reina | DPS |
Gladi | DPS, Support |
Dimael | DPS |
Shamilla | DPS, Support, Breaker |
Arch | DPS, Support, Breaker |
Selene | DPS |
Oddy | Support |
Kara | Support |
Esker | AoE DPS, Support |
Aisha | DPS |
Lorraine | AoE DPS, Status Attack |
Lilia | DPS, Support |
Pavel | AoE DPS, Status Attack |
Ophelia | Burst DPS, Support |
Kaulah | Support, Debuffer, Status Attack |
Lucias | Support |
Lavril | Support, Healer |
Shea | Support |
I feel like this list showcases some good potential, but not quite what you get with the tiers above. But overall, still good additions to your team.
PvE Tier List: C-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVE, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into B tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Dosarta | Tank |
Demia | Tank |
Morrah | Tank, Support |
Ricardo | Tank, Status Attack |
Kasel | DPS, Debuffer |
Scarlet | DPS, Cleanser, Dispeller |
Roi | DPS |
Rodina | DPS |
Veronica | Support |
May | Support, Healer |
Cassandra | Support, Status Attack |
Overall, this is showcases your options that are just average. They’re not great, but they’re not terrible either.
Yes, you can do better than C-tier, but you can certainly do worse as well.
PvE Tier List: D-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVE, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into C tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Yanne | DPS |
Mitra | DPS |
Leo | Support, Dispeller |
Baudouin | Support, Status Attack |
Lewisia | DPS |
Let’s face it – you don’t want to be here pulling from this list.
It’s just a lot of low-grade, below average choices and you’re gonna do terrible in battle if these are the heroes on your team.
PvE Tier List: F-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVE, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into D tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Nicky | DPS |
Fluss | DPS |
Crow | AoE DPS |
This is hands down the worst heroes of all right here.
PvP Tier List: S-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVP, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you.
The Hero | The Role |
Loman | Tank, Support, Healer |
Requina | DPS, Blocker |
Miruru | Debuffer, AoE DPS |
Rephy | Cleanser, Healer |
Leo | Support, Dispeller |
We highly recommending putting these heroes on your team because they’ve got awesome stats. They’re the best heroes in the whole freaking game!
PvP Tier List: A-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVP, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into S tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Demia | Tank |
Ricardo | Tank, Status Attack |
Chase | DPS, Support |
Scarlet | DPS, Cleanser, Dispeller |
Fluss | DPS |
Mirianne | DPS |
Dimael | DPS |
Nyx | AoE DPS, Dispeller |
Maria | Status Attack, Buffer |
Ophelia | Burst DPS, Support |
Pavel | AoE DPS, Status Attack |
Cassandra | Support, Status Attack |
Juno | Cleanser, Support |
Lucias | Support |
As mentioned above, these are great additions to your team, but just not quite as awesome as the list for S Tier.
PvP Tier List: B-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVP, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into A tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Sonia | Tank, Debuffer, Support |
Dosarta | Tank |
Phillop | Tank, Burst DPS, Support, Healer |
Viska | Burst DPS, Debuffer |
Kasel | DPS, Debuffer |
Naila | DPS, Debuffer |
Gau | Tank, Status Attacker, Support |
Priscilla | DPS, Support |
Epis | DPS |
Ezekiel | Debuffer, Breaker |
Erze | AoE DPS |
Nia | Breaker |
Laudia | DPS |
Tanya | DPS, Status Attack, Dispeller |
Luna | DPS |
Arch | DPS, Support, Breaker |
Shamilla | DPS, Support, Breaker |
Zafir | AoE DPS |
Kara | Support |
Lakrak | Status Attack, AoE DPS |
Lilia | DPS, Support |
Baudouin | Support, Status Attack |
Mediana | Healer, Support |
Laias | Support, Healer |
I feel like this list showcases some good potential, but not quite what you get with the tiers above. But overall, still good additions to your team.
PvP Tier List: C-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVP, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into B tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Aselica | Support, Tank |
Jane | Tank, Burst DPS |
Neraxis | Tank |
Theo | DPS, Debuffer, Buffer |
Gladi | DPS, Support |
Reina | DPS |
Selene | DPS |
Annette | Support |
Oddy | Support |
Rodina | DPS |
Crow | AoE DPS |
Chrisha | AoE DPS, Support |
Artemia | AoE DPS |
Aisha | DPS |
Lorraine | AoE DPS, Status Attack |
Cleo | AoE DPS |
Shea | Support |
Frey | Support, Tank |
Kaulah | Support, Debuffer, Status Attack |
Overall, this is showcases your options that are just average. They’re not great, but they’re not terrible either.
Yes, you can do better than C-tier, but you can certainly do worse as well.
PvP Tier List: D-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVP, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into C tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Yanne | DPS |
Lewisia | DPS |
Lavril | Support, Healer |
Let’s face it – you don’t want to be here pulling from this list.
It’s just a lot of low-grade, below average choices and you’re gonna do terrible in battle if these are the heroes on your team.
PvP Tier List: F-Tier
For those of you who are playing King’s Raid in PVP, this is a ranking of the heroes that we have ranked from best to worst for you, but that are not quite awesome enough to make it into D tier.
The Hero | The Role |
Clause | Tank, Debuffer |
Morrah | Tank, Support |
Glenwys | Tank |
Roi | DPS |
This is hands down the worst heroes of all right here.
Final Word
Use our tier lists above to help with coming up with your game play strategy and how you want to build out your team.
And remember, our King’s Raid tier lists are in order of best hero to worst.