Maybe you need it for Scattergories. Or pub trivia.
Maybe you’re just looking to have a super educational Halloween.
Whatever your reason for needing to divvy up candy by letters of the alphabet, we’ve got you covered.
Here, we’ve listed candies that start with every letter of the alphabet (except for that pesky ‘X’) and candy brands for every letter of the alphabet (except that pesky… you guessed it… ‘X’).
Our only qualification for this list is that the candy must be candy on its own and solely candy.
This nixes things like bridge mix, which incorporates candy but isn’t candy, and chocolate-covered or marzipan-inclusive cookies/biscuits, which try to be candy but are still mostly cookies or biscuits.
And now onto your sugar-induced buzz.

Candies That Start With A
- Abba-Zaba
- Aero Bar
- Airheads
- After Eights
- Allsorts
- Almond Joy
- Altoids
- Andes Crème de Menthe
- Aniseed Twists
- Aplets & Coplets
- Apple Head
- Astros
- Atomic Fireballs
Candy Brands That Start With A
- Albanese Candy
- Albert’s
- Allen’s
- Alter Eco
- Amos Sweets
- Annabelle
- Archie McPhee
- Arcor
- Arway
- Asher’s Chocolate Co.
- Astra
- Atkinson’s
Candies That Start With B
- Baby Bottle Pops
- Baby Ruth
- Balikutsa
- Barber Poles
- BarNone
- Bergamotes de Nancy
- Berlingot
- Bêtises de Cambrai
- Big Cherry
- Big Hunk
- Big League Chew
- Bit-O-Honey
- Blow Pops
- Bon bons
- Bonz
- Bontan ame
- Boogers
- Boost
- Bosco
- Bottle Caps
- Bounty
- Brain Licker
- Breath mints
- Brittle
- Bubble gum
- Bubble Tape
- Bubble Yum
- Bubblicious
- Bubu Lubu
- Buckeyes
- Bun Bars
- Butter mints
- Butterfinger
- Butterscotch
Candy Brands That Start With B
- Bakers Candies
- Bali’s Best
- Barnier
- Baskin-Robbins
- Bazooka
- Black Forest
- Boyer
- Brach’s
- Brookside
- Brown & Haley Co.
- Butlers Chocolates
- Butterfields
Candies That Start With C
- Cachou Lajaunie
- Calisson
- Candel Astra
- Candy Blox
- Candy Brix
- Candy Buttons
- Candy Canes
- Candy Corn
- Candy Raisins
- Caramac
- Caramello
- Caramels
- Caramilk
- Caramels
- Cella’s
- Chancacas
- Charleston Chew
- Chick-O-Stick
- Choc-Nut
- Chocolate
- Chocolate fish
- Chocopunch
- ChocORocks
- Chuckles
- Chunky
- Chupa Chups
- Circus Peanuts
- Clark Bar
- Coffee Candy
- Coffee Crisp
- CoffeeGo
- Cola Cubes
- Cotton candy
- Coucougnette
- Cougar Yoghurt
- Coussin de Lyon
- Cow Tales
- Crayon Candy
- Creme egg
- Crows
- Crunchie
- Cuberdon
Candy Brands That Start With C
- C. Howard Co
- Cadbury
- Caffarel
- Camp Fire
- Cape Cod Provisions
- CaramBar
- Cavendish & Harvey
- Cedrinca
- Charms
- Chipurnoi Confectionery
- Claeys Candy
- Clio
- Coffee Rio
Candies That Start With D
- DAD’s Root Beer Barrels
- Daim
- Dalgona (aka Ppopgi)
- Deuk Deuk Tong
- Divinity
- Double Decker
- Dracula Piller
- Dragon’s beard candy
- Dubble Bubble
- Dum Dums
- Dumle
Candy Brands That Start With D
- Dee Best
- Dentyne
- DiMatteo
- Divine Chocolate
- Dove
- Dulces Pigui
Candies That Start With E
- El Bubble
- English toffee
Candy Brands That Start With E
- Eclipse
- Eda’s
- eFrutti
- Eiffel
- Elmer Chocolate
- Equal Exchange
Candies That Start With F
- Fast Break
- Finlandia
- Fireballs
- Flake
- Flat Tops
- Flicks
- Flipsticks
- Foam Shrimps
- Frooties
- Fruit Chews
- Fruit Slices
- Fruit Stripe
- Fry’s Chocolate Cream
- Fudge
- Fun Dip
Candy Brands That Start With F
- Fazer
- Ferrara
- Ferrero Rocher
- Fini Sweets
Candies That Start With G
- Galaxy
- Garrapiñada
- Geisha
- Gelt
- Gobstoppers
- Goo Goo Clusters
- Goobers
- Good & Plenty
- Grape Chews
- Grapehead
- Guittard Chocolate Company
- Gumballs
- Gumdrops
- Gummy bears
- Gummy Shotz
- Gummy Worms
Candy Brands That Start With G
- Garoto
- GGB Candies
- Ghirardelli
- Gimbal’s
- Glee
- Godiva
- Goetze’s
- Goo Goo Chocolate Co.
- GoOrganic
- Groff’s Candies
Candies That Start With H
- Hany
- HawHaw Milk Powder Candy
- Hematogen
- Hi-Chew
- Hopeatoffee
- Hopjes
- Hot Tamales
Candy Brands That Start With H
- Hammond’s
- Haribo
- Harry London
- Hershey
- Hint Mint
- Horehound candy drops
- Hubba Bubba
Candies That Start With I
- IBC Root Beer Float Barrels
- Ice Cubes
- ICEE Spray Candy
- Idaho Spud
Candy Brands That Start With I
- Ice Breakers
- Idaho Candy Company
Candies That Start With J
- Jaffas
- Jawbreakers
- Jelly Babies
- Jelly Beans
- Jelly Rings
- Jelly Tots
- Jersey Milk
- Jolly Ranchers
- Jordan almonds
- Judge
- Jujubes
- Jujyfruites
- Junior Mints
Candy Brands That Start With J
- Jelly Belly
- Joyva
Candies That Start With K
- Kit Kat
- Kiss-Kiss
- Kisses
- Kits
- Knoppers
- Kongen af Danmark
- Konpeitō
- Krackel
- Krówki
Candy Brands That Start With K
- Karamellpojkarna
- Karma Candy Inc
- Kenny’s
- Kimmie Candy
- Kinder
- King Leo
- Klik
- Kopiko
- Kopper’s Chocolate
- Krinos
Candies That Start With L
- Laffy Taffy
- Lakrisal
- Lemon drops
- Lemonheads
- Licorice
- Life Savers
- Lindor truffles
- Lollipops
- London drops
- Love Hearts
Candy Brands That Start With L
- Lake Champlain
- Lake Country Candies
- Läkerol
- Lammes Candies
- Lindt
- Lucas Candies
Candies That Start With M
- M&Ms
- Mallo Cup
- Malted milk balls
- Maltesers
- Mamba
- Manalan Makeiset
- Mantecol
- Maple candy
- Maple drops
- Marianne
- Mariola
- Marron glacé
- Mars
- Mary Jane
- Marzipan
- Mentos
- Mike and Ike
- Milk Duds
- Milkfuls
- Milky Way
- Miodek turecki
- Mounds
- Mr. Goodbar
- Munchies
- Musk sticks
Candy Brands That Start With M
- Madelaine Chocolate Company, The
- Malley’s Chocolates
- Marich Confectionery
- Massam’s
- Maud Borup
- Meiji
- Melster Candies
- Mentos
- Merci
- Milka
- Mynthon
Candies That Start With N
- Nappo
- Necco Wafers
- Negro
- Nerds
- Newman’s Own
- Niniches
- Nips
- Now and Later
- Nut Goodie
- NutRageous
Candy Brands That Start With N
- Nestlé
- Newblers
Candies That Start With O
- Oh Henry!
- Old Faithful
- Opera Cream
- Orange slices
- Oreo (candy bars)
Candy Brands That Start With O
- Oh Ryan’s
- Orbit
Candies That Start With P
- Paçoca
- Pastillas de leche
- Pastilles
- Pâte de fruits
- PayDay
- Pé-de-moleque
- Peach Blossoms
- Peanut chews
- Peen tong
- Peeps
- Peppermints
- Picnic
- Pineapple lumps
- Pirate coins
- Pişmaniye
- Pixy Stix
- Polkagris
- Pop Rocks
- Potchi
- Ppopgi (aka Dalgona)
- Prince Polo
- Ptasie mleczko
- Pucca
- Puccho
- Puffy Poles
- Puntini
Candy Brands That Start With P
- Palmer
- Peter Paul
- Plantation Candies
- Primrose Candy
Candies That Start With Q
- Quench gum
Candy Brands That Start With Q
- Quality Candy Company
Candies That Start With R
- Raffaelo
- Raisinets
- Rascals
- Razzles
- Red Vines
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
- Reese’s Pieces
- Reese’s Sticks
- Ribbon candy
- Riesen
- Ring Pops
- Roca
- Rock candy
- RockyRoad (candy bar)
- Rolo
- Runts
Candy Brands That Start With R
- Ricoa
- Ricola (mints)
- Ritter Sport
- Russell Sifers
- Russell Stover
Candies That Start With S
- Salmiakki
- Salt Water Taffy
- Sisu
- Sixlets
- Skittles
- Sky Bar
- Smarties
- Snaps
- Snickers
- Sno-Caps
- Sour Patch Kids
- Sour Power
- Sour Punch
- Sport szelet
- Spree
- Spunk
- Starburst
- Sugar Babies
- Sugar Daddy
- Supercoco
- Swedish Fish
- Sweethearts
- SweeTarts
- Szaloncukor
Candy Brands That Start With S
- Sconza Chocolates
- Seattle Chocolate
- See’s Candies
- Sjaak’s
- Spangler Candy
- SunRidge Farms
- SweetWorks Confections
- Switzer Candy Company
Candies That Start With T
- Tablet
- Taffy
- Take 5
- Teja
- Tic Tacs
- Toblerone
- Toffee
- Toffifee
- Tootsie Pops
- Tootsie Rolls
- Toxic Waste
- Túró Rudi (aka curd snack)
- Trolli gummies
- Turkish delight
- Turrón
- Twirl
- Twix
- Twizzlers
- Tyrkisk peber
Candy Brands That Start With T
- Taffy Town
- Theo
- Thompson Chocolate
- Torie & Howard
- Tree Hugger
- Trident
Candies That Start With U
- Ube candy
- U-NO
Candy Brands That Start With U
- Ülker
- Unreal
Candies That Start With V
- Valomilk
- Violet Creams
- Violet Crumble
Candy Brands That Start With V
- Vanparys
- Velamints
- Vidal
- Vimto
Candies That Start With W
- Wacky Wafers
- Warheads
- Wax bottles
- Werther’s Originals
- Whatchamacallit
- White Rabbit
- Whoppers
- Whozeewhatzit
- WineGums
- Wispa
Candy Brands That Start With W
- Waggoner Chocolates
- Wiley Wallaby
- Wonka
Candies That Start With X
There are no candies that start with ‘X’ that we know of.
However, if you’re playing Scrabble, you might get away with Xtreme Airheads (though technically they are called AirHeads Xtremes).
Candy Brands That Start With X
There are no candy brands that start with ‘X’ that we know of.
Candies That Start With Y
- Yogurt-covered raisins
- York Peppermint Pattie
- Yorkie
Candy Brands That Start With Y
- Yoo-hoo
- YumEarth
Candies That Start With Z
- Zagnut
- Zaotang
- ZotZ
Candy Brands That Start With Z
- Zachary Confections
There you have it. A little something sweet for every letter of the alphabet.
Except for X. X hates candy. Don’t trust X.